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Refreshing Protein Tropical Smoothie: Pineapple & mint

The creation of this summery pineapple smoothie recipe is inspired by the current situation for 3 reasons. Have you noticed how many people have started gardening lately? Well, I don’t know for you, but my social medias are full of posts and stories of people showing the hard work they are putting into building gardens. It is probably to keep themselves busy during the summer while we are still unsure how the situation (with the virus, just in case you forgot…!?) will continue to evolve. It is definitely a great idea and I am no exception I have done exactly the same thing! I am using some of my fresh mint that I have recently planted in my garden for this recipe. Nothing beats the fresh smell and taste of mint!  

The second reason is the sun is finally out after a chilly start of May and this is the perfect weather to enjoy a nice cold smoothie with tropical flavors. Finally, the third reason is realistically we are not going to be able to have a freshly made one from an exotic country sometimes soon. Meanwhile, we are going to be creative and use some of those tropical flavors to help us feel like we are on a beach in Thailand until we can travel again. 

Let’s put some dancing music on, get your blender out and try my fresh protein tropical smoothie recipe! 

Ingredients for the pineapple smoothie: 

  • 1 cup of frozen organic pineapple chunks 
  • 8 leaves of fresh organic mint 
  • ¼ cup of plant-based protein powder* 
  • ½ cup of fresh organic cucumber  
  • ½ cup of fresh organic yellow pepper  
  • 1 tsp of fresh organic ginger  
  • 1/2 tbsp of organic hemp seed 
  • ¼ tsp of lime zest 
  • The juice of one lime 

*I use a plant-based protein powder made of a mix of organic pea protein,

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